212020 - 212805
(was 0102)
Institute of Geodynamics
National Observatory of Athens
P.O. Box 200 48
118 10 Athens, Thissio

Telephone :



Telefax : +30-210-3490180
Director: Prof. A. Tselentis
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website :


G.I.'s aim is the study and the promotion of research in the fields of: seismology, physics of the earth's interior, geophysics, plate tectonics, volcanology and geothermy, neotectonics and seismotectonics. The main tasks of G.I. are collection and processing of various seismological - geophysical parameters, the elaboration of research projects and relevant studies, the training and services provided to third bodies.

Present volcanological work is focused on Nisyros volcanic island, a restless caldera. More information can be found at the Geowarn website.