(was 1505,06,07,08)
Southern Andes Volcano Observatory (OVDAS)
Rudecindo Ortega 03850,
regi????e la Araucanbr />Chile

Telephone :

(56) 45-2270700

Telefax :

(56) 45-2270701


Paola Pe????p>

Alvaro Amigo

Email :

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Website :


Servicio nacional de geologia y mineria (SERNAGEOMIN)

Contact: Paola Pe????bsp;


Paola Pe????alazar - Chief OVDAS
Alvaro Amigo - Chief National Net of Volcano Monitoring Chief (RNVV)

Gustavo Fuentealba C. - Seismology Monitoring Coordinator
Klaus Bataille - Seismologist
Marugenia Petit-Breuilh S. - Eruptive history chronology
Erasmo Hernez - Computer operator and programmer
Pedro Ortiz - Electronics and instrumentation

The Observatory is located on the summit of a Natural Monument called Cerro elol, next to the city of Temuco > 250.000 inhabitants (38.7ºS - 72.6º 35'W). The location is almost the geographic center of the Southern Andes Volcanic Zone (33º - 46º S). At 75 km E from the Observatory lies Llaima volcano and at 90 km SE lies Villarrica volcano, the two most active

volcanoes of Chile. With about 110 eruptions since the year 1558, they are among the most active volcanoes of the whole Andean range.

  1. The Observatorio Volcanologico de los Andes del Sur belongs to the Servicio Nacional de Geologia y Mineria (SERNAGEOMIN), an institution of the Ministerio de Mineria de Chile.
  2. Base lines, dry tilt and prisms have been settled on the slopes of Villarrica and Llaima volcanoes.
  3. The OVDAS has received a strong collaboration from Spain through Prof. Ram????rtiz - CSIC (seismological support) and from the U.S.G.S. Cascades Volcano Observatory (EDM).
  4. Currently, the only volcanoes that are monitored permanently are Villarrica and Llaima.
  5. Through a 1996-1998 DHA bi-national project with Argentina, the OVDAS will receive more seismologic equipment and other support to monitor continuously Peteroa (35º S; by satellite), Callaqui (telemetry) and, by satellite, Copahue (38º S) volcanoes.
  6. Through a joint program with the local government, SERNAGEOMIN -OVDAS and Spain, Osorno and Calbuco volcanoes (41,5º S) will also be monitored by telemetry within the period 1997-1998.
  7. Hence, at the end of 1998 it is expected that 7 volcanoes of the Southern Andes will monitored from the OVDAS, at least with one seismic station.

24 hours volcano monitoring stations:

Villarrica volcano

(Seismic network major upgrade in progress, 2002)
- Seismic telemetric station, L4C 1 sec., vertical component, analog transmission, digital reception, analog-digital converter maxim max 180, 12 bits, 8 channels.
- Villarrica Volcanological Center (Villarrica volcano field office): 3 component digital seismic station, analog-digital converter 7710, 24 bits, 3 rangers ss1, 1 sec.

Llaima volcano

- Digital seismic station, L4c 0,5 sec., vertical component, analog-digital converter 7710, 24 bits.

Callaqui volcano

- 1 Seismic station, L4c 1 Hz; signal transmitted to Pangue ecology station.


- Digital seismic station, L4C 0,5 sec., vertical component, analog-digital converter 7710, 24 bits. Additional seismometers at OVDAS for crisis use.

 Laboratory equipment:

- 3 Pentium computers, 1,2 giga.
- 1 Petrographic microscope
- 2 High resolution binocular lenses
- 1 Mirror stereoscope
- 1 Dryer oven
- 1 Ro-Tap & Sieving set

Specialized library on chilean volcanoes :

Portable equipment available:

- 2 portable digital seismic stations
- 2 compaq notebook computers 486
- 3 portable meq-800 analog seismic stations
- 3 portable eda seismic stations
- 1 edm hewlett packard, 10 prisms
- 1 precise level karl zeiss ni 002a, 2 invar rods 3m, 1 tripod
- 2 portable mirror stereoscopes
- 2 Garmin gps
-    Thermocouples, digital altimeters, compasses, etc.