223010 - 223030
(was 0203)
Goma Volcanological Observatory
(Observatoire Volcanologique de Goma)
Republique Democratique du Congo


General Director:

Scientific director, GVO

Dr. Katcho Karume

Mr. Kasereka Mahinda


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Kasereka Mahinda: +250 084 84 992

Postal delivery uncertain: Mt. Goma, Goma, Republique Democratique du Congo

GVO Administration :

Kasereka Mahinda - Chief of Department of Geophysics, Scientific Manager, GVO
Baluku Bajope - Scientific Director, CRSN (Biology, Lake survey)

GVO Researchers :

Kasereka Mahinda - Seismology, Volcanic processes
Kavotha Sadaka - Seismology

Wafula Mifundu - Seismology, Deformation, Modeling
Lukaya Nyombo - Seismology, GPS-EDM, Satellite Imagery
Mavonga Tuluka - Seismology, Modeling
Mukambilwa Kibuye - Seismology, GPS-EDM, Deformation
Yalire Mapendano - Seismology, Geochemistry, Lake survey
Ciraba Matesco - Seismology, GPS-EDM, Geochemistry
Munyololo - Geology, Satellite Imagery

Permanent Technician :

Akumbi Mbilizi
Etoy - Electronician

Others :

2 desk employees, 2 drivers, 6 field operators, 15 sentinels.

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The Goma Volcano Observatory (GVO) is a detached branch from the Department of Geophysics, Centre de Recherche en Sciences Naturelles - Lwiro (Democratic Republic of Congo). The GVO is located on Mt Goma, close to the center of Goma city.

The main duty of GVO is the monitoring of the two active volcanoes in the Virunga chain : volcano Nyiragongo (3.470 m) and volcano Nyamulagira (2.964 m). The monitoring network previously established has been looted during the many years of war and civil unrest the area has known.

The recent eruption of volcano Nyiragongo (January 2002) and the related damage to the city of Goma has shown the importance of GVO. An outstanding effort from the international community, under the leadership of the United Nations (UNOCHA), is in process to restore the GVO, improve its logistics and its monitoring network.


  • The seismic network has already been improved, and, in March 2002, 
    there were 7 one component seismometers working in the network. 
  • A new network of digital seismometers was deployed in late 2003, with telemetry back to OVG. 
  • New ground deformation benchmarks, EDM and GPS stations were organized during 2002-2003.
  • An expanded program of thermal, gas, and water measurements has been started.


In cooperation with different foreign institutions or universities, several scientific projects
are to be developed and pursued in the future. 
- Geochemistry survey
- Lake Kivu chemistry and physics survey
- Satellite Imagery and DEM mapping
- Geological and structural mapping
- Lake Kivu stability modeling
- Lava flows paths modeling
- Hazard and Risk Maps.