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Seismic Research Unit
University of the West Indies
St. Augustine
Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies

Telephone :

(1-868) 662-4659

Telefax :

(1-868) 663-9293  Telex : (294)24520 W.G.


Dr. Richard Robertson

Email :

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The Seismic Research Centre of the University of the West Indies is the agency responsible for monitoring earthquakes and volcanic activity for the English-speaking islands of the Eastern Caribbean.   Scientists at the Centre maintain a volcanic surveillance and warning system in these countries, conduct research on the distribution and frequency of earthquakes in the Eastern Caribbean and provide advice on earthquake and volcano related issues to governments of the contributing countries.  Additionally, scientists at the Centre are actively involved in a regional effort to establish a tsunami warning system for the Caribbean and adjacent areas. The Centre is heavily involved in public education through traveling exhibitions, school lectures both on and off site, website development and regional public education campaigns. In addition to providing services in volcanology and seismology to the governments of the contributing countries, the Centre also provides consultancy services in various aspects of Applied Seismology, Engineering Geophysics and Geology to both local and international insurance companies and civil engineering establishments.

The Centre is primarily funded by contributions from the governments of Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados, St. Lucia, Dominica, Montserrat, St. Kitts-Nevis, and Antigua-Barbuda. Additional funding is provided by grants from a number of regional and international agencies and collaborative research with various institutions help to further extend the capacity of the centre in carrying out its mandate.

Scientific staff:

Dr Richard Robertson - Director
Lloyd Lynch - Electronics Engineer
Dr Joan L. Latchman - Seismologist
Dr Graham Ryan - Volcanologist
Dr Erouscilla Joseph - Volcanologist
Dr Frederic Dondin- Volcanologist
Dr Robert Constantinescu- Volcanologist
Emeritus Professor Trevor Jackson - Geologist
Chandradath Ramsingh - IT Officer
Machel Higgins - Scientific Software Engineer
Billy Burgoa - Geophysicist
Stacey Edwards - Education and Outreach Coordinator
Michal Camejo - Research Assistant (Volcanology) 
Clevon Ash - Contract Officer I (Education and Outreach)
Alia Juman - Research Assistant (Education and Outreach)
Kafele Reddock - Research Assistant (Geophysics)
Omari Graham - Research Assistant (Volcanology)

Clerical & Support Staff:

Nisha Nath - Chief Seismic Technician
Ian Juman - Chief Electronics Technician 
Amit Balchan - Seismic Technician
Farrah Madoo - Seismic Technician
Hannah Ramsingh - Seismic Technician
Garth Mannette - Electronics Technician
Stephen George - Electronics Technician
Dixie-Ann Persad - Secretary
Nolan Ali - Senior Maintenance Assistant
Carol Pascall-Liverpool - Clerical Assistant
Joenel Alexander - Groundsman,
Margaret Nero - Custodian
Shaun Boodoo - Office Assistant

Further reading

Lindsay, J.M., Robertson R.E.A., Shepherd, J.B. & Ali, S. (Eds) 2005:  Volcanic Hazard Atlas of the Lesser Antilles.  Seismic Research Unit, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I., 279p.  ISBN: 9769514209 9789769514201.