(was 1504)
Instituto Geofisico del Peru
Observatorio Volcanologico de Arequipa
Oficina IGP-Arequipa
Urbanizacion La Marina B-19, Cayma, Arequipa

Telephone :

(51) 5425 1373

Telefax :

(51) 5425 1373


Orlando Macedo

Email :

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Orlando Macedo, Geophysics
Roger Machacca, Seismology
Riky Centeno, Seismology
Jose Alberto Del Carpio, Seismology
Orlando Huancco, Electronics
Victor Montesinos, Electronics
Rolando Chijcheapaza, Computing
Paul Flores, Communication
2x students, Seismology

Instituto Geofisico del Peru (IGP) - Earth Sciences program

Director Tico: Jose Machar nbsp;      Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lima Staff :

Jose Machar Geology 
Juan Carlos Gomez, Geology
Hernando Tavera, Geophysics

Edmundo Norabuena, Geophysics

Alejandra Martinez, Communication
Orlando Macedo, Geophysics (Arequipa)

Monitoring equipment and volcanic hazards maps

1)  SABANCAYA Volcano

·         Real time seismic broadband network of three permanent stations linked to IGP's Observatorio Volcanologico de Arequipa (IGP-OVA).  Hardware includes Guralp's CMT-40 sensors and Reftek 130A portable recorders. In operation  since February 2013

·         5 portable Guralp CMG-6TD seismic stations operate around the volcano since February 2013.

·         10 GPS bench marks for volcanic deformation installed in 1998

Maps of potential volcanic hazards:

·         1:500,000 (1988)

·         1:250,000 (1990)

·         1:100,000; 1:250,000 (1992)

·         1:500,000 (2002)


2) MISTI Volcano

·         Real time short period seismic network composed of 5 permanent stations.  Telemetry link to IGP' s Observatorio Volcanologico de Arequipa (OVA). Hardware includes Kinemetrics SS1 1s/1Hz sensors. In  operation since October 2005.

·         5 GPS bench marks for volcanic deformation installed in 2001.

·         2 EDM baselines installed on SW and NE sides (2001)

·         Map of Self-Potential  1:100,000, based on 10 radial profiles from the
top to the base of the volcano.

·        Self-potential monitoring on a complete SW profile, each six months.


Maps of potential volcanic hazards:

·         1:250,000 (1998)

·         1:100,000 (2002)

3) UBINAS volcano

·         Real time broadband seismic network composed of 4 permanent stations. Telemetry link to IGP's Observatorio Volcanologico de Arequipa (OVA). Hardware includes Guralp's CMT40 and Reftek recorders. In operation since 2006.

·         2 Tiltmeters operating in real time since 2006.

·         4 GPS bench marks for volcanic deformation installed in 2006.

·         2 EDM baselines installed on NW and NE sides (2006)

·         Map of Self-Potential, 1:100,000, based on 9 radial profiles from the top to the base of the volcano.

·         Self-potential monitoring on a complete NW profile, each year.

·         Map of potential volcanic hazards: 1:500,000 (2002)

4) TICSANI volcano

·         4 GPS bench marks for volcanic deformation installed in 2006.

·         Map of potential volcanic hazard: 1:500,000 (2002).

NOTE 1: Most former volcanic hazard maps have update versions prepared by INGEMMET (Instituto Geol????o Minero y Metalúrgico). 

NOTE 2: IGP-OVA and the younger INGEMMET volcanological team (OVI) will join together to build a stronger Observatorio Volcanol????o del Sur del Perú that will ensure a high quality monitoring, surveillance, and research of the active volcanoes of the region.