282010 - 283030 - 283010
(was 0802 - 0803 - 0805)
Hydrographic and Oceanic Department
Japan Coast Guard
 3-1-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku
 Tokyo 100-8932

Telephone : (81) 3-3541-4473
Telefax : (81) 3-3541-0723
Contact: Dr. H. Nishida
Email :

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Staff concerning:

Dr. Hideo Nishida - Director, Coastal Surveys and Cartography   Division
Dr. Toru Tsukamoto - Senior Officer, Coastal Surveys and Cartography Division
Mr. Hiroyasu Furukawa - Assistant Officer, Coastal Surveys and  Cartography Division
Mr.Katsuo Yamane - Officer, Coastal Surveys and Cartography Division
Mr. Takurou Shinmura - Assistant Officer, Coastal Surveys and Cartography Division


Periodical observations of discolored waters and the thermal distribution at submarine volcanoes and around volcanic islands along the Nanpo Syoto (Izu-Ogasawara islands) and Nansei Syoto (Ryukyu Islands) by aircraft.

Bathymetric, geological structural, geomagnetic and gravity surveys of the submarine volcanoes and the volcanic islands.